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Upcoming Events

Cemetery Committee & Rules

The Town of Windsor Cemeteries are quickly running out of space.  We are in hopes to find land here in Windsor to establish a new Cemetery.  If anyone is interested in donating or selling an acre or two, please contact the Town Office – and speak with Joyce Perry, Cemetery Sexton or Theresa Haskell, Town Manager at 207 445-2998.

Town of Windsor Cemetery Committee:

Joyce Perry, Cemetery Sexton
Theresa L. Haskell, Town Manager
                                                                 Term Expires
Select Board Person                                        2026
Thomas Reed                                                   2024
Marcia Coffin                                                    2026
Rick Gray, Jr.                                                     2026
Bonnie Squiers                                                 2026
Liz Harriman                                                     2026

2023 Cemetery Rules   – Current 


To ensure the safety of the Town’s grounds crew, and visiting families, all flowers (Plastic or real) must be placed in an 8” minimum diameter container.

  • Glass containers or anything glass is prohibited and will be removed.
  • Artificial flowers will be removed when they start to fade.
  • Styrofoam displays with wire stakes or wire supports are not allowed.
  • Real plants that are dead from lack of care will be removed.
  • No cement, plastic, wood, and rubber edging will be allowed around any flowerbeds on cemetery lots.
  • No white marble, granite chips or other rock materials will be allowed in flowerbeds. Only bark mulch or wood chips will be allowed.
  • All plants and adornments must be inside the lots.
  • No more than 1 arrangement per individual
  • Pinwheels should not be stuck in the ground – they should be anchored and placed in a pot only. They will be removed if stuck in the ground and not anchored to stay in place.
  • No more than one shepherd hook or trellis per lot.
  • No more than one solar light, or other similar articles will be permitted per plot. Any additional items will be removed.
  • No alcohol beverages are permitted in the Town of Windsor Cemeteries and no empty cans, bottles, or glass containers shall be left for adornment purposes. Any such adornment will be removed.
  • No hedges, fencing, walls, curbing, railings, or similar structures or enclosures shall be erected around lots following adoption of this Rule. The two metal existing structures or enclosures may be maintained, but not expanded.  Benches are not to be left in the Cemetery.

Families are responsible for display maintenance: Families are responsible for removing real/artificial; dead or faded flowers or displays from their family’s plots.

  1. Summer seasonal displays shall be removed by September 30th.
  2. Fall seasonal displays removed by November 1st.
  1. Displays need to be removed by April 15th. All decorations in place as of April 15th will be disposed of as part of the spring clean-up of the Town Cemeteries. No responsibility for the protection or maintenance of decorations left in the cemetery is assumed by the Town, the Cemetery Sexton or the workers maintaining the cemeteries.
  2. All Lots should be kept presentable by families for all seasons.
  3. Families are responsible for existing trees and shrubs. Shrubs should be trimmed and are not to exceed 6 feet in height. Shrubs and trees shall not encroach upon other Lots or conceal or obscure stones.
  4. The Town reserves the right to remove trees or shrubs planted on a lot which become dangerous, or detrimental to the adjacent grounds because of encroachment of roots or branches.
  5. From this, revised May 1, 2016, Rule forward, No Shrubs or Trees shall be planted in any of the Town Cemeteries.
  6. Upon the discretion of the Cemetery Sexton or maintenance personnel; faded and dead displays, will be removed accordingly.

The Cemetery Committee meets the 4th Monday of every month except during the months of November, December, January, February and March.
If you need to contact the Cemetery Sexton or have a cemetery question,
please contact the office at 207-445-2998.