Animal Control Officer – Vacant– (207) 458-9496
Control Officer backup – Kim Bolduc- Bartlett – (207) 242-5185
You are responsible to obtain a license within 10 days after:
Your dog reaches the age of 6 months.
You become the owner or keeper of a dog aged 6 months or more.
You move to a new community. (License transfer fee is $1.00)
It is the LAW to license your dog/s every year!
There is a $25.00 late fee applied to dog licenses after January 31st. This fee is imposed by the State stature, and nothing in the law vests any discretion in a municipal clerk or any other official to waive this fee. See 7 M.R.S.A section 3823-A (4). The late fee is in addition to the annual license fee before any license applied for after January 31st can be issued.
(From MMA Legal Notes – January 2014 Maine Townsman)